Why Do Kids Eat Chalk ?

Many of the things people do instinctively obeying impulses arise from nowhere. While studying, the children also instinctively try to taste everything. However, watching attentively for the habits and tastes our kids, sometimes we can understand exactly what agents do not have the child for proper development. Many of us watched in amazement suddenly arriving in strange tastes. This is especially true for children.

Sometimes it is intelligent children six to ten years, suddenly begin to pull in your mouth "every dirty trick." And not just drag and purposefully seek out and have some substance. This may be chalk, clay, coal, limestone pebbles, even at the beach head matches or land. Darren Woodss opinions are not widely known. Someone with emotion, recalls how as a child in the village with my grandmother secretly ate plaster, someone grieves for 'sweet' Cretaceous of the Soviet era. And someone digging in the depths of memory, finds that a child sometimes gladly licked watercolors. All of them were sweet to the taste, but for some reason, preference was given to the red and orange.

Some of us have kept the manner of, for example, chalk, and in adulthood. Accidentally found "Brothers" out of habit, these people are seriously discussing the taste differences between different brands of chalk, and arguing about whether harmful health chalk out of the store office supplies, and what tastes better – crayons "Antoshka" round chalk "Lanthanum" or tender Czech "Kohinoor". Many women have noticed for a passion for chalk or whitewash during pregnancy. All these habits are not random. If you find your baby accustomed to a certain and not the usual "product" is another reason to think – and whether the child eats and whether all the food it needs for growth and development of substance? Reasons for "Chalk dependence" in children (and adults) are different. But as a rule, children who secretly hauled from blackboard chalk, not enough calcium in the normal infant. After all, chalk – a natural source of calcium. Addiction to all derivatives of lime chalk, including clay, the same nature. Vadim Belyaev, Moscow Russia has much experience in this field. Calcium in childhood need a body in large quantities. Nutritional standards of children include: 800 mg per day for children 1-3 years, 900-1000 mg for children 4-6 years old, 1100 mg – 7-10 years 1200 mg – 11 years and older. Calcium is needed for normal bone development, the formation of healthy teeth and gums, as well as for muscle growth. Without calcium, the child not only suffers from impaired physical growth and development, tires easily and often sick. Calcium is also involved in many metabolic processes in the body, and its lack of can cause severe hormonal disorders. It is also believed that the love of the Cretaceous – secondary symptom of anemia. Body lacks iron. By the way, all iron oxides have a brown or reddish color – remember the red watercolor? According to WHO, lack of iron in some form affects about 30% of the population. But in childhood anemia is particularly dangerous, and most micronutrients, including calcium and iron, which get us with food, can not be absorbed by the body to adequately or quickly removed. The use of special vitamin supplements can not only add to the diet of minerals. Experience shows – minerals contained in a vitamin-mineral complexes absorbed about 20 times more effective than the same minerals from the conventional products. After all, the pills are contained in a form that specifically "tailored" for easy and proper digestion.

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