In this in case that, the climate can in such a way affect the resistance of the human body to some diseases as the propagation and the diffusion of some pathogenic organisms or its hosts. (AYOADE, 1996. S/P.). In the winter the temperatures are lower you measured and them of relative humidity are the greaters, due to average reduction of the temperatures the manifestations of affection tend to be lower. In the panorama from the October month the relative humidity starts to fall, and together with it comes the increase of the temperature, the spring and the station where the average minors of manifestations of affection. CONCLUSIONS the research sample that when carrying through some activities the man modifies the local landscape. When constructing buildings, waterproofing the ground and to use pollutant fuels the man modifies the difficult balancing between the surface and the atmosphere, these alterations directly influence in the health human being. With the disordered growth in the urban spaces, the movement of vehicles, the implantation of industries and the constant increase of a consumption population, originated from the introduction in the capitalist way of production, ahead of this the man modifies the natural dynamics of climate.
The study it proves the relation between the climatic variation and the affection, where this variability corroborates so that the illness if proliferates, increasing the registered cases. The study the microregion of Aracaju searched one better understanding of the influence of the man in the climate was considered as case study. The cities compose that it, together are part of the territorial unit of the state of Sergipe, where it has the biggest population concentration, and also a bigger alteration in the landscape provoked for the antrpica action. The research sample that the microregion possesss a climatic variability marked by hot summers and high temperatures and rainy winters with amenas temperatures, the analysis of the monthly data, in such a way meteorological, how much of affection incidences, they had demonstrated correlations.