The Pupils

Second meeting The main characteristics and the function of the boarded sort will be presented examples of the sort memory showing. After presentation will be made a debate oportunizando each participant to speak on its memory of life more important for them. The positive points of being to preserve the negative memory of each one of us and points of not being to preserve the memory are of a people or somebody individually. While they speak somebody will have to write them in the picture and a sheet of paper. It will be asked for to the pupils to bring for the next meeting a fact that is part of its memory of life that would like to count and later writing for the group. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Mary Barra by clicking through.

Third meeting All histories of life of each pupil will be chores in classroom for the teachers, after the reading the pupils will have to choose only one to recount it verbally. It will have a socialization moment enters the group on the importance of this type of history to keep alive the culture of a society. It will be asked for to the pupils who have detached of histories chores words, which they had found important during the contao whom they had facilitated the understanding of history. The words will be written in the picture and analyzed by the group. As it is writing, that letters you find in the words, which its meaning. Room meeting Teams will be formed in accordance with the number of pupils. The professor will be guiding the teams (reading, talking and guiding the presentation). The team together with the person who orientates will go to write a fact of history of each pupil until form one livrinho, since livrinho will be chosen a history that will have to be presented by the pupils in theater form leading in consideration the resources to be to count a history.

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