The Institute

Ernst Stahl the new partner. “Along with the other guide partners (Atrada atriga cateno, ConCardis, creditPass, etracker, Hermes logistics group Germany, mpass, Saferpay and xt: Commerce) we can enhance the attractiveness of the guidance platform (” About the project of E-Commerce Guide”: answers to the most important questions around to provide e-commerce, ibi research at the University of Regensburg has teamed up a consortium consisting of eleven leading solution providers and research and consulting Institute. Atrada atriga cateno, ConCardis, creditPass, etracker, Hermes logistics group Germany, janolaw, mpass Saferpay and xt: Commerce combine in this project their know-how and their Experiences, to put together the most important information for online retailers and those who want to become, together with ibi research in easily understandable and concise form. Supported the project of E-Commerce Guide”by the Federal Ministry of education and research, the Federal Association of service providers for online provider e. V., the Federal Association of German shipping trade e. V. and the IHK Regensburg.

More information: about ibi research: since 1993, which forms a bridge between University and practice ibi research at the University of Regensburg GmbH. The Institute conducts research and advises on issues around the topic of “financial services in the information society”. ibi research works on the fields of E-business, IT governance, Internet sales and business process management. At the same time, ibi research offers comprehensive consulting services for the implementation of research and project results. Since January 2009, ibi research is winner of the E-Commerce competence center of Bavaria ( in the Framework of the network of e-commerce (NEG) funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and technology (BMWi).

More information: of janolaw: the janolaw AG, headquartered in the Rhine-Main region was founded in 2000 and has evolved with 300,000 visitors a month and approximately 115,000 customers to one of the largest legal services providers on the Internet. Every month, around 10,000 customers take advantage the legal telephone initial consultation. With innovative instruments provides the company in no time matching solutions to legal questions and issues.

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