The Bathroom

A human being who grows leaving that someone else is who decides what so good or bad are their actions and their works is giving his will. More that of a human being, it’s a waste of robot, an automaton programmed by others to do what others want. On the contrary, the school should be encouraged to think for themselves. Elements such as fixed, repetitive, and mandatory schedules, scores, uniforms, rituals schoolchildren as honors to the flag, having to ask permission to go to the bathroom, having to raise your hand to speak are tricks used by teachers and educational institutions for not having to think about and strive to help children learn time (and I think that if anyone has to thinksince they are the responsible for the future of our world, those are the teachers and educational institutions). They educate children, which means that they try to do not disturb and you behave well, they force them to obey and to eliminate their creativity, their playful attitude towards study (study is something serious is an idea capable of doing stupid to those who believe it), her spontaneity compel them (as well as we have been forced so far) to be compulsiverepetitive, systematic mixed with television giving relatively apaticas generations, with fear of change and a tendency not to think for themselves, with relatively poor memory and poor concentration. Speaking candidly closets told us the story. Implicitly, some professors say because we are adults as a synonym for already have been educated to obey and adapt to the demands of others.

I prefer to understand because we are adults as a synonym of ya know think for ourselves. 1984. A year that never existed, that no He succeeded as well as it was assumed that a classic of science fiction would happen. Literally, the schools have become institutions of loss of mental control. Closets wanted to know more. Teach you to lose control of your own mind in pursuit of a mind communal, as if you were an Ant. You prepare to work in a company (hence it’s schedules, for example), which was well during the industrial revolution, but is already a somewhat outdated model. Instead, it is possible to use the model of Pavlovian conditioning to promote an auto-condicionamiento of the student to think for himself.

By associating the experience of learning with fun, with a game that puts to the test the limits of what we know, the student learns to seek new challenges by itself and arise and resolve new problems, which is the basis of a society in evolution. Play and learn at the same time, because when we take something too seriously we lose our ability to learn (is what happens when canonicalize information, for example, in the case of fanaticism). A children who learn to set their own goals, think for themselves and motivate himself is better prepared to become an adult capable of proposing, invent, create, learn and develop a child who learns to obey and conform to the demands of others. Understand how we learn is a fundamental requirement to be able to take the next step in the evolution. Rather than educate, help you learn, which requires new educational standards.

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