
Telecommuting – a process recently becoming more apparent. It may be that some of the readers who, for quite some time and actively use this to gain momentum, both abroad and in our form professional relationship. But much to the disappointment, it should be noted that the term 'telework' is often interpreted incorrectly. Generally, between the concept of telework and a one-time work online is a difference. The common element telework in all its forms is the use of computers and telecommunications to change adopted by geography (location staff) work.

The term 'telecommuting' ('telework') is often understood by people, by means of media and by the employers within the meaning of 'telework at home. " But this is not entirely accurate. Telecommuting can have many different shapes and characteristics, which often vary depending on the situation. Another term used very actively in the U.S. – 'telnet' ('telecommuting'), though many believe simply a synonym for 'telecommuting', more accurately describes the concept. Telnet clearly outlines the range of relations officer using remote access to the resources of the real or virtual desktop.

Workplace, transferred directly from the office in their home environment, ensuring at the same time, 'virtual' presence at work. At Telnet there is a very real interaction employee working at home with their colleagues who may be like on the outside and inside the office. At the same time and the office itself, in the case if all its staff to move of working space at home, can become a virtual and be replaced by a single communications hub.

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