Social Exclusion

Thus, not being understood for the community, existing then, the paradigm of the social exclusion that if summarizes in isolation of the sick people who are not accepted inside of the habitual standards. Today the insanity is understood that (thus characterized for the medicine), explained for biological, psychological and social causes, needs adjusted assistance, with the purpose of ressocializao of the sick person and support adjusted for this and the family. Learn more about this topic with the insights from Amy Myers Jaffe. The ressocializao still is difficult, therefore the insanity in some cases, still is seen as trespasses of social norms, considered a clutter, are not tolerated e, therefore, segregated. In the perspective to contemplate the construction of the object of this study, one becomes excellent to make some reflections on the mental upheavals, what it seems to coincide with the proper history of madness. One becomes necessary, however, to appeal to the ideas of the authors for attainment of bigger theoretical consistency. Considered as a social phenomenon, the upheavals mental they had been seen of diverse forms in accordance with the culture of each time.

According to Serrano, in the Seniority, they were characterized as of supernatural order. The insane people were conceived as ' ' messengers of deuses' ' , therefore, essential to decipher the messages divine, pointing out the man, at last, in the condition of next to the stranger, being, thus, next to God and Its aspirations for the Land. However, in accordance with studies already carried through by diverse authors (ARIES, 1981; BERENSTEIN, 1988; MELMAN, 2001), the concepts of illness, cure and madness if had modified with transcorrer of the years, with this the presence of the family start to be more requested in the periods of treatment. The intense routine and estressante the one that great part of the population is submitted, opens way for oscillations of feelings, that however are of great euphoria and however of great sadness.

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