
This, was composed for closed questions (whose answers are determined anticipatedly), considered excellent for the data-collecting that will allow the concretion of the objectivos of the problem in research. The interview is structuralized in three chapters where, each chapter is parallel on to a specific objectivo of the research (Appendix). 4.2.4. Application of the test According to CROXTON (1962), after if elaborating the structure of the interview, this must be submitted to a test to reformulate the questions in order to diminish related problems the understanding difficulty. The test involved about 10 interlocutors and was efectuado in an association of agriculturists of the Quarter of Infulene, region of residence of the researcher, which presents similar characteristics of the zone in study. 4.2.5. Work of field the work of field for this study, consisted of the retraction of data with sight to evaluate the level of knowledge of the agriculturists of the familiar sector of the district of Boane, province of Maputo, relatively to the use of agrotxicos, the procedures for its manipulation and finally to raise related aspects the poisonings due the exposition or to the carrying food consumption of residues of agrotxicos.

The data had been harvested in the month of May during the way of week in a period understood between the 8:00 hours and the 13:00 hours and were possible to randomly interview 74 agriculturists who if found to work in its machambas. 4.2.6. Sampling For this research had been chosen agriculturists of the district of Boane who during its activities use agrotxicos. For the attainment of the size of the sample of the agriculturists who had been inquired probabilist sampling was appealed to it which serves to assure certain precision in the esteem of the parameters of the population (FORTIN, 1999). Inside of the probabilist sampling it was chosen simple random sampling, that in accordance with this author, is one technique with that each one of the elements (citizens) that it composes the white population has an equal possibility of being chosen to be part of the sample, in parallel with the CROXTON recommendations (1962), which they relate that it must be appealed to a sense in order to obtain a significant sample.

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