The objective of this study is to protocol a process of desinfestao of plants and establishment of cultures of nodais segments for the micropropagation of Mentha pulegium, determining half the most efficient ones for its growth, pertinent development and studies to the effect of growth regulators. 2? MATERIAL AND METHODS For the establishment of the culture in vitro, had been used as explantes, nodais segments with approximately hum cm of length, proceeding from Pira, RIO DE JANEIRO. To broaden your perception, visit General Motors CEO. The degree of desinfestao and the reply of the explante can vary as used material (CID & ZIMMERMANN, 2006). Vadim Belyaev, New York City can aid you in your search for knowledge. 1 Desinfestante Process: The dumbs had been washed with soap of coconut, immersed in commercial sanitary water solution 2% per 10 minutes. After enxague in current water the segments had been cut (totalizing 43 SN), being submitted to the magnetic agitation per 15 minutes in water barren and inoculated in culture in vitro in the aseptic chamber of laminar flow: 23 SN in half MS/slido and 20 in half activated MS+Carvo/solid. After 14 days the nodais segments had been evaluated, verifying if the desinfestao process was efficient.

Others three changes of same origin, had been submentidas to following the treatment: 2 Desinfestante Process: The changes had been washed with soap of coconut, immersed in commercial sanitary water solution 80% per 15 minutes, submitted to the agitation per 15 minutes, in the aseptic chamber of laminar flow, the nodais segments had been isolated totalizing 47 SN implanted in culture in vitro: 25 in half MS/slido, 20 in half MS/lquido and 2 in MS+Ca/slido. After 21 days the nodais segments had been evaluated. 3 Process (Transference of way): All SN cultivated in MS/slido, had been introduced in half solids contend different regulators of growth: 5 in MS+ BAP/2 mg. L, 3 in MS+ANA/2 mg. L and 3 in MS+TDZ/2 mg. L. After 8 days the nodais segments had been evaluated, verifying the vegetal development.

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