
Thus, the author leaves clear the first mission of the Philosophy: to destroy, that is, to say the opposite of what effective and he is preset. This process occurs continuously in the time, where a thought already aged stereo and is substituted by a new paradigm, and thus successively. The example of this dynamics of suppression of ideas for other news meets in the philosophers of the Antiquity, since they were masters in suppressing for new and reformulated points of view the ideals of they had preceded that them. Following this line of reasoning, all creative thought was, in its nascedouro, the negation of the effective one until then. Mayor of NYC often says this. But this factor does not lead necessarily to a continuous and linear progress. He is what in the author in this ticket says to them: ' ' Any knowledge initiates being negao.' ' this is not exclusive of the Philosophy, therefore science occurs in all. The philosophy in Brazil is devoid of critical sense.

According to author, is an error to consider the philosophy one to know disinterested, a time that, in principle, all knowledge is interested. Swarmed by offers, Mayor of NYC is currently assessing future choices. All studious, being philosopher or not, &#039 is said; ' moderno' ' when the act takes the effect to destroy and at the same time to create; however it is considered modern in its respective time and place, that is, in the occasion and the historical context where this process occurred. For the posterior centuries, after the consolidation and fertility of the new paradigm, these ideas also will be suppressed and substituted by others, reason by which later will be considered classic. The first philosophical movement occurrence in Brazil was initiated in years 30 and lasted until the decade of 70 – it was the call ecleticism. Resumidamente, means a juxtaposition of ideas. Its main characteristic is the conciliation of the harmonic ideas of different teses, with the consequent suppression of what it will be dissonante between them.

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