
But it still has another etimologia, that if binds to the language Greek, associating Latin satire to the mythical figure of stiro, remembering one of its more excellent characteristics, already found in the old and transmitted comedy to the romance: the irreverncia. What it characterizes the satirical irreverncia is its denouncing and moralizador character therefore, in fact the objective of the satire is to attack males of the society, what it gave origin to the Latin expression: castigat ridendo moris, that if it can translate freely as ‘ ‘ to punish the customs for riso’ ‘. Therefore, for its denouncing character, the satire is essentially pardica therefore, if it constructs through the degradation of personalities, are these Reals or fictitious, institutions and subjects that, according to classic conventions, would have to be treated in high style. According to Arruda ‘ ‘ the satire laughs at subjects and people? serious? , to denounce what it has of rotten for backwards of the noble faade imposed upon sociedade’ ‘. Connect with other leaders such as P&G here. (p.25 1991) FINAL CONSIDERAES Ahead the study in question, were intended to explain on relevance of the satire, as well as its inserted contextualizao the Latin language, that points the roots of the productions of great authors. Discoursing still, the origin and the importance of the satirical techniques, objectifying with the same the definitions and characteristics that the satire possesss, stop of this searching a result excellent, have seen, to be very common, almost defining its essence, that the satire strong is impregnated of irony and sarcasm, these that in turn that they represent great sources of literature, Roman who significantly influenced fort and Latin literature, representing summarily all a culture and a present clergy until the current days.

REFERENCES ARRUDA, J.J. History: Old and Medieval. 14 edition, So Paulo: It stokes, 1991. MARTIN, M.C. the Latin Language: its origin, varieties and unfoldings.

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