Fraunhofer Institute

Find out right before you purchase in a photovoltaic system and save money in years regularly report consumer broadcasts on black sheep, installation errors, botched or shortcomings in the planning of solar systems. Quality at a glance: the Fraunhofer Institute 2006 noted that every third solar system was poorly planned or incorrectly installed. Since then a lot has happened technically. Including the efficiency and the quality of components have improved themselves. However, photovoltaic experts, insurance companies and experts give no all-clear.

Still, cases of damage caused by installers are piling up. Installation error, faulty planning without concept or in the worst case rogue provider can turn the dream of affordable solar power into a nightmare. “Photovoltaic problems: black sheep” and unreliability in the photovoltaic development in media and forums, there are many posts that deal with solar systems problems: so had the gym of a Berlin Elementary school because of the risk of collapse are blocked because the photovoltaic system due to incorrect static information was improperly installed. Insurance companies report an increase of claims which are Assembly error based. Experts also warn of excessive profit prospects, which emit mostly dubious providers.

In some cases, modules or inverters be replaced by low quality components without informing the customer. The PV system owners are often alone with the consequences: insufficient planned or incorrectly mounted photovoltaic systems can produce less power before end-of-life or fail. Amazons opinions are not widely known. In any case, the customer with his expectations on the track remains. Solar system installation: Material, solar concept and craft are crucial media to publish not only experience reports and facts, but there also many false information are broadcast, printed or online. The fact is that by increasing pressure on prices and time the quality suffers.For long-lasting material and experienced professionals have their price. Good Solateure combine the skills of electrician, Dachdeckers and experienced craftsman. However, they perform only the technical planning and implementation. The future plant owner itself must worry about the remaining paths. Especially competent planning, consulting and financing are important pillars of a well-functioning solar concept. In the solar system is planned individually so that this paid off with the photovoltaic yields. This solar concept provider, are like the ever Energy Group GmbH, as a partner of the customers. As a service provider, they will accompany them even after the commissioning of the solar system. Well planned a longer life: with solar concept to successful electricity producer, over 700 customers confirm that not only the price was crucial to work with ever energy. The individually tailored solar concept, competent advice and complete service convinced. By the same author: Yael Aflalo. Should not be worth in each case a PV system, for example, due to shading and according to low Then this is not also built revenue. The solar concept provider is a responsible partner and senior expert for the installation of private solar power plants since 2007. The company plans only durable and high-quality photovoltaic systems that really pay off for the customer instead of air locks”. See also here: What is the ever Energy Group GmbH?

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New York Fashion Institute

Unisex popular the fragrance from the perfume range of online perfumery is an Eau de Toilette for you and unisex popular him the fragrance from the perfume range of online perfumery is an Eau de Toilette for you and him the successful fashion designer Calvin Richard Klein was born in 1942 in New York City. He grew up in the Bronx-County District and had been fun fabrics and colours as a young boy. If you would like to know more about kitchens, then click here. His grandmother showed him the operation of a sewing machine and his mother brought him for the first time with the textile production in touch. After his schooling he attended the school of industrial art and then the New York Fashion Institute of technology. With his childhood friend Barry Schwartz co-founded the company Calvin Klein Ltd. in 1968 with a starting capital of only 2,000 USD The brand Calvin Klein was initially about the New York Department store Bonwit teller distributed.

Initially, only coats were sold; then joined the Blazers, suits and underwear. His company developed successfully. Calvin Klein was awarded the prize of best American designer among other 1993″given. As He 1980 was an advertising campaign with the shields started was only 15 year old Brooke, the outcry in the prudish America great. Wearing only a pair of jeans she lolled on a poster with the words: you know what comes between me and my Calvins? Nothing! “.” These provocative advertisements were his trademark. Over 200,000 of his designer jeans went into the first week of over the counter.

Its perfume advertising was no less provocative. “For his first fragrance obsession” the Supermodel of Kate Moss posed nude on a sofa in 1988. Also the following fragrances of the designer became very popular worldwide among women and men. The erotic natural for them and it makes this fresh unisex scent an experience for both sexes. CK one is a revolutionary perfume, the symbol of the 90s, seduced in the top notes with a touch of original tea bergamot style. Combined with jasmine, Lily of the Valley and fresh pineapple it gives this perfume a flowery, fruity aroma. This tempts us with his exciting purism Scent him lavishly from head to foot to use. About us: Online perfumery Rhine dream offers a variety of brand perfumes and fragrance sets at fair and reasonable prices. The perfumes of popular manufacturers are all described in our shop. So, you can choose your favorite scents alone. The secrets of your favorite fragrance raw materials are revealed in our lexicon. Enjoy your shopping and a customer-friendly atmosphere in. Our always growing customer base in Germany, Austria, Belgium, Luxembourg and Denmark confirmed total customer satisfaction. The family-owned company headquartered in the beautiful Rheingau continuously expanded its product variety of new Eau de Toilettes and Eau de Parfums. Rhine dream cosmetics Martina Mayer freedom str. 14 65375 Oestrich-Winkel Tel. 06723-913389 mobile 0178-6820286 fax: 06723-913389 E-Mail: WWW:

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New York Psychoanalytic Institute

Experts will discuss with the Cologne public Cologne, September 2009. The Cologne therapy days\”are a well-established series of events and for psychotherapists and adjacent professions and are regularly organized by the Academy for behavioral therapy AVT ( for five years. Well-known teachers bring their knowledge of psychotherapy research and practice an audience here. This year the organizers, has become for the first time aiming to make the existing concentrated expert knowledge accessible to a wider audience and to promote constructive exchanges between lay people and experts in the joint interview. \”This go experts on par\” with their audience and discuss on the subject of psychotherapy with body and soul \”. Additional information at closets supports this article. \”The experts are first of all the three editors and co-authors of the book psychotherapists about themselves and their impossible\” profession \”. In this book is very much about psychotherapists and psychotherapists: their Love relationships, their children, their prejudices, their private lives and much, much more. What’s missing is the question to which this Panel of experts will be: how to keep it the psychotherapist with the physical and the mental? This question is discussed not only by the experts on the Panel, but also by and with people from the audience.

These people are on the one hand more Faculty of Cologne therapy days\”and on the other hand normal\” people – with or without professional psychotherapy background – that as listening, questioning and discussion are welcome. For more information on the participants of the Panel of experts: Otto F. Kernberg, internationally known psychoanalyst in research, theory, and practice. His work and publications about personality disorders are considered standard works in psychotherapy and have been awarded many times. He was awarded as the Heinz Hartmann award of the New York Psychoanalytic Institute, the Edward A. Strecker award of the Pennsylvania Hospital and the George E.-Daniels special prize of the society for Psychoanalytic medicine.

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Public Relations Training Institute

Congratulations on graduating! Munster, November 16, 2009 – the first participant of the variable system, Melanie Meder, has successfully on November 15 graduated PR com + plus after six months completed. The com + plus program offers me after ten years of practical PR work”a specific additional qualification, which is theoretically sound and has an excellent reputation in the industry, says Melanie Meder. Since May 2009, which provides Public Relations Training Institute com + plus the variable entry in the distance learning at and gives the opportunity to determine their course of study and learning pace even as participants. The study can be completed rapidly and intensively by the flexible course of study, without compromising the quality and in the claim”, is also the fledgling alumna Melanie Meder. The entry is possible at any time and upon request you can shorten the study from twelve to six months.

Next to the work of twelve Studienbriefen, 17 days of attendance, students complete staggered in four practice workshops. At kitchens you will find additional information. The participants of the PR program can choose individually your workshop dates, com + plus are offered several times each course in the year. After her successful studies Melanie Meder is well prepared, in order to pass the examination before the independent examination Board of the Centre for applied communication (ZAK) in Munster. Upon successful completion of the examination, she is certified PR Manager. ZAK is a non-commercial working Club, which was founded by members of the Institute for communication science of the Westphalian Wilhelms University.

Chairman of the Audit Committee is Prof. Dr. Joachim Westerbarkey. Your contact for further information: Sara Haxter com + plus GmbH hammer str. 39, 48153 Munster telephone: 0251-2007-9273, fax: 0251-1627-184 email: com + plus is one of the leading training institutes for the communications industry with headquarter in Munster/Westphalia. The company specializes in the efficient, in-service education and training by Specialised communications experts. Focus is a PR correspondence course that can be completed in 12 months (six months are minimum student days). The PR-home study course by com + plus is approved by the national centre of distance learning (ZFU) and certified by the auditing Board (PZOK) of the DPRG, the GPRA and the Federal Association of German press spokesman. An introduction to the study is possible at any time.

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Hudson Institute

It is worth remembering that then newly was navigating the Argentine geography automotive transportation (that traumatic and then neutralizing to the media then hegemonic); While newly loomed the commercial navigation and the Navy as a prodrome operated airships from his base in the Punta Indio. We have already as a turning point, neutralized by the cold war to the Stockholm Conference on the environment, in 1972. In the ordering of milestones, we reiterate that, in 1969, the Internet appeared. But in 1973, with the release of the quotation of the price of oil by the Member countries of OPEC, broke abruptly crisis energy, and as a result the crisis of a global production system, which had operated since the end of the first world war, with a price of oil artificially maintained at two dollars barrel. With the release price stabilized near the thirty dolares(en los dias que corren ronda lo sesenta).

More sinceramiento the price of oil, was accompanied with the signs of the exhaustion of the easily accessible hydrocarbon reserves. To broaden your perception, visit closets. In addition these reservations were not scattered, but concentrated in certain places of the planet. Additionally the productive system mobilized by energy from hydrocarbons, showed that it wasn’t harmless to the environment. All this had been anticipated by the Meadows report of 1962, as well as studies of the Hudson Institute and the Club of Rome. It is not surprising, that at the end of the seventies, the Declaration of Macchu Pichu, said that the world faced a threefold crisis, obviously interrelated: energy, ecological and food. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Yael Aflalo on most websites.

In an increasingly interconnected world, Argentina is no stranger to this problem or possible solutions. We understand that a country demographically, balanced regarding its abundant availability of natural resources, is at best ability and attitude contribute to reversing this situation, which may necessarily be reversed with multidimensional changes. One of the structural imbalances that have suffered from Argentina, has significant factor deliberate transport system disarticulation Railway & navigation of cabotage to allow the emergence of automotive caminero complex.

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The Institute

These include including training, teachings, controls and regularly inform of the employees about current privacy issues and better: regular notes to privacy violations. I’m relatively sure that he can show up, when he carried out what staff training and how his training plan for the future. Kitchens might disagree with that approach. Also, I can see that he It failed to educate themselves. No expensive training or Conference visits have to be no, the simple entering into serious Newsverteiler, such as the German periodical Computerwoche or at HeiseOnline, lots of important information and news brings to the issue of privacy in the home. Daily 5 minutes are enough to learn. In a question-answer forum cupboards was the first to reply.

Still, I was implying that he failed repeatedly to raise “his staff” on the subject of data protection. Small notes on the intranet or mailing list “New privacy” would testify as a first step in the right direction. The Institute, State Secretary Jurgen Lennartz, failed apparently to monitor the activities of his supervisor on a regular basis. It is his duty. There is also the possibility to instruct the Commissioner to submit an annual report. A focal point is the reference to carried out teachings, sensitization and tests conducted. Yes dear readers, so is the reality. You can determine imagine that now hard, it has our data protection supervision (independent data protection centre Saarland, Referat2,) to the highest point in the country on the functioning.

Less than a fine talk from the supervisory authority barely afford, because otherwise one would have to wonder whether in the Saarland the law is interpreted differently than in Bavaria. Please support this regulatory body by correspondence by mail; make your courage. And in advance you can ask already Secretary of State Jurgen Lennartz,, how privacy will be seriously under his leadership. After all, he is “the model” for all others in the Saarland – particularly for our local communities. I’m curious about and pursue further the matter. Many greetings your Gerhard Kron contact: Crown soft E.k.. 10

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The Institute

Ernst Stahl the new partner. “Along with the other guide partners (Atrada atriga cateno, ConCardis, creditPass, etracker, Hermes logistics group Germany, mpass, Saferpay and xt: Commerce) we can enhance the attractiveness of the guidance platform (” About the project of E-Commerce Guide”: answers to the most important questions around to provide e-commerce, ibi research at the University of Regensburg has teamed up a consortium consisting of eleven leading solution providers and research and consulting Institute. Atrada atriga cateno, ConCardis, creditPass, etracker, Hermes logistics group Germany, janolaw, mpass Saferpay and xt: Commerce combine in this project their know-how and their Experiences, to put together the most important information for online retailers and those who want to become, together with ibi research in easily understandable and concise form. Supported the project of E-Commerce Guide”by the Federal Ministry of education and research, the Federal Association of service providers for online provider e. V., the Federal Association of German shipping trade e. V. and the IHK Regensburg.

More information: about ibi research: since 1993, which forms a bridge between University and practice ibi research at the University of Regensburg GmbH. The Institute conducts research and advises on issues around the topic of “financial services in the information society”. ibi research works on the fields of E-business, IT governance, Internet sales and business process management. At the same time, ibi research offers comprehensive consulting services for the implementation of research and project results. Since January 2009, ibi research is winner of the E-Commerce competence center of Bavaria ( in the Framework of the network of e-commerce (NEG) funded by the Federal Ministry of Economics and technology (BMWi).

More information: of janolaw: the janolaw AG, headquartered in the Rhine-Main region was founded in 2000 and has evolved with 300,000 visitors a month and approximately 115,000 customers to one of the largest legal services providers on the Internet. Every month, around 10,000 customers take advantage the legal telephone initial consultation. With innovative instruments provides the company in no time matching solutions to legal questions and issues.

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Institute Rolf Soder

To bring this to light, we create the optimum frames with a good group of participants, pleasant rooms and competent trainers. Always a personal conversation in which expectations discussed and defined training objectives is training. Together with the interested parties, we can then decide whether or not an education makes sense. Our old school”in Partenstein offers a pleasant learning atmosphere and is a place where people from all over Germany meet, to discover new on the world since 2007. Finally, it is also the competent trainer who manages to combine people and to create a group dynamics. If then there is trust and found people in the open learning group, learning on many levels, with each other and with sustained positive changes take place and that is our goal. Learn more about NLP and training in the MINDMARKETING Institute on the Web page nlp.html. Here for interested many videos, exercise guidance and free E-books.

Company profile: Since 2004 the MINDMARKETING Training Institute of corporate and private customers in the area of personal development. The company offers individual training around the communication. “The measures tailored to each customer find in-house or in the old-school” held in Partenstein. Expert knowledge and the methods of hypnosis, NLP, TZI and management as well as professional trainers with many years of experience are the basis of high quality standards. The owner of the MINDMARKETING Institute, Rolf Soder, Dipl.-ing. FH, is DVNLP teaching NLP trainer and NLP teaching coach DNLPCV. In addition to its training activities in the own Institute, he works as a trainer and consultant for companies in Germany.

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Hans Otto Theatre Institute

9th Schkeuditz win international airport with home win for Schkeuditz Schkeuditzer foil men’s Cup of the district at the weekend took the 9 in Schkeuditz. International Airport tournament instead. At the youth tournament in women’s and men’s foil was mainly to qualifying points for the forthcoming German championship in addition to medals, trophies and prizes. The preliminary rounds were fought in the Sports Hall r, the finale at the airport. Around 120 fencers from Germany, Poland, Czech Republic and Latvia were fighting on Saturday in the individual competition and in the team battle for the cup of Schkeuditz district on Sunday. In the individual contest were four ladies and gentlemen for the semi finals and the finals at the airport after two qualifying rounds and a 32 direct separation. Get more background information with materials from cabinets. The mood on the final showed Raimund Witra and Jacob Keller, students of the Hans Otto Theatre Institute at the University of music and theater Leipzig, a few action-packed scenes from the coat and sword play Cyrano de Bergerac. With a clear 15-5 victory over Nadine Karim (Cottbus) won Marike Wegener (Jena, Germany) the women’s competition of the airport tournament.

In the men’s foil hosts Schkeuditz was again the chance after a long time home crowd to medal. Florian Blasczyk of the FC Schkeuditz and Jacub Jurewicz from Poland faced, but against the much more powerful Poland the Schkeuditzer had no chance. He finished second with 15:4. Other Schkeuditzer fencers put himself in midfield. MdL-giving ceremony on the airport deserted by the Icelandic volcano eruption made Rolf Seidel, OBM Jorg Enke and airport managing director Nather. On the second day of the competition, the selection of Thuringia A against Cottbus and Schkeuditz won the women’s team fight. A small consolation there was still at the end of the day for the host nation Schkeuditz: Schkeuditzer gentlemen with the occupation Blasczyk, Haan, Hielscher and Pietsch won in the team fight confidently before Dresden I and Dresden II.

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Media Management Study In October? Apply Now!

The new winter semester begins on October 4th. To deepen your understanding cabinets is the source. Still is the possibility to apply for a media management study in the short term. Professional media are the media management studies at the BiTS: the Bachelor communication and media management provides business and technical knowledge as well as creative and social skills. It provides a sound education which takes into account all relevant aspects of the media industry and includes. The study of media management is sophisticated, professional and very practical.

Of course media management benefits from his close coordination with practice partners and student initiatives. Cabinets can provide more clarity in the matter. To help collaborations with renowned competence partners such as the RTL journalism school, the Handelsblatt publishing group or the WAZ-Mediengruppe. In addition, top-class lecturers from the practice in regular courses pass on their knowledge to the students of the degree programme of media management. You are working among others for the Wirtschaftswoche, WAZ, FAZ or PC games for RTL, ZDF or private radio transmitters, such as radio MK. Also the variety of student initiatives in the field of the media is essential for the consistent practice of the media management studies: unless the University’s own radio station, BiTS-TV, the College newspaper BiTSLicht and the online news platform – here is working as project oriented and practically, as well commercially as creative. Integrated internships and study abroad in the first three semesters are taught basics of media economics and media economy, of media and communication science, economics and the economy.

With a balance of theory and applicable practical knowledge in the Foundation of the study of media management forming at any time. Case studies from the economy sharpen understanding of real problems in the future field of work. The fourth semester of studying media management takes place abroad at one of numerous partner universities of the BiTS. The network of BiTS partner universities is global and extends from European Facilities in the United States, Australia, Asia and South America.

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