Karcher Industrial

The industrial climber of the GSAR mbH have demonstrated their competence in the field of industry climbing in numerous Spezialprojkten. In part of their cultural sponsorship programme, FA. Karcher cleans globally significant monuments and buildings. Since 2005, the company specializes in the industrial climbing GSAR mbH is a reliable partner objects in higher altitudes and extreme access from Besigheim. Above is the slogan of Besigheim company where we are”describes the philosophy and the technique of the company.

In 2008 it was decided Karcher at the FA for a project in Japan. The Matsudagawa dam should get a mural. Filed under: cabinets. For the implementation of this project has been compared to the cost of multiple access techniques and the logistical effort. The setup of the dam came to a cost-benefit comparison not in question. The use of cranes and aerial work platforms presented no alternative to the industrial climbers GSAR. mbH. Another big advantage of rope access techniques, was the view of the any artwork.

A framework would have affected the insight on the development of the mural. The entire creation of the artwork could be observed by the rope technique. The cherry blossom motif was designed by the Cologne-based artist Klaus Dauven. The patina of the surface of the concrete was removed partially with the help of high pressure cleaners, and there were bright areas. The uncleaned areas remained dark. Thus was born a black and white paintings. A very similar project also developed in collaboration with the artist Klaus Dauven on the Oleftalsperre in the Eifel. Here there were no cherry blossoms, but animal motifs were painted in large size on the dam. More special projects with the Karcher company conducted by the industrial climbers of the GSAR mbH in Germany, United States and the Netherlands. In the United States, the Mount Rushmore monument was cleaned with high pressure cleaners. The 18-meter and 60-metre wide monument with the likeness of the former American President Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt and George Washington was completely cleaned of 5 members of GSAR mbH in just one month. And the 100 meter high Euromast tower was cleaned of Rotterdam in the Netherlands. Without the aid, such projects would be too expensive and therefore not feasible the rope techniques and the use of highly qualified industrial climber of. In addition, proved the FA. Karcher through the use of alternative access techniques and the associated solution of the existing problems, their innovative approach in planning and implementing such projects.

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