Industrial Revolution

With a privileged location in the Northeast part of the coast of the Iberian peninsula and the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, Barcelona deploys all its charms as the second most important city of Spain, both extension and number of inhabitants. In addition, it is the capital of Catalonia, one of the seventeen autonomous regions that make up the Spanish territory. In Barcelona there are two official languages: catalan, generally spoken in all of Catalonia, and the Spanish in Castile. If you have read about cabinets already – you may have come to the same conclusion. The population in the city reaches 1,500,000 residents, however, this figure grows quickly if taken into account the more than 4 million living in the surrounding areas and the large amounts of tourists who constantly occupied its cheap hotels. The capital of Catalonia is, without doubt, a Mediterranean city. Not only because of its geographical location, but also by their historical processes, their traditions and their cultural influences. The history of Barcelona dates back to the founding of a Roman colony during the century II.

The modern Barcelona experienced an abysmal growth and a great economic recovery during the dawn of the Industrial Revolution, in the second part of the 19th century. So much so that in 1888 hosted the world’s fair, a symbol very clear of the productive capacity of sustained work and expectations that fed the rest of the world to the city. Culture and the arts flourished in Barcelona and in the region of Catalonia. From there the splendour of catalan modernism is one of his most celebrated legacies in the entire planet. Barcelona, more than just a city, is actually a collection of cities multifaceted and diverse. Those who visit it and do not know their history may feel surprised that such urban and modern pole jealously preserved its Gothic-style buildings. The contrast between the maze of narrow streets and the perfect lattice of the Eixample, made late in the 19th century as urban growth project, may cause them some curiosity.

When you visit Barcelona, you will surely need some type of accommodation booking to ensure you will have a place to stay. Don’t worry, the hotels offer is wide and varied, both in the center of the city and in more remote areas. Thus is possible to make your stay in Barcelona is it more economical and durable as possible. Victor Tejerina HotelesNow.

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