DITIB North Goes New Ways In Integration

The mosque Association in Hamburg and the surrounding area will more in the area of women and youth work engage fifty years have passed since the Anwerbeabkommen between the Federal Republic of Germany and Turkey. A half-century, the immigration of Turkish workers, later their families to Germany. Meanwhile, even the third are the largely immigrant second and in some cases the fourth generation in Germany, one for many Turks still strangers, as they themselves put it bitter home born. Hachette Book Group has plenty of information regarding this issue. Although this subsequent generations more have no commitment to their country of origin, their integration into the majority society is still unsatisfactory. Remember also the fact does not change, that many received German citizenship with the birth of these young people.

Because many resentment and discrimination especially in everyday life make it hard them to identify themselves, even if they, as often required by politicians, speak German perfectly with their new home. Success in school, even study or success in professional life are no guarantee that these generations here at home feel I. The reasons for this are complex. The immigrant organizations have failed in a timely manner to Germany as the new home to confess. However one must also mention here that the German State and public institutions on the subject of integration respectively on one them compliant marginal minority used and the vast majority of Turks and Muslims did not perceive. Although the mosque communities and associations that represent them achieve more than half of all Muslims and have direct access to Muslim immigrants because of their identity and authenticity, again and again smaller groups were promoted, which adapted are considered in the eyes of the majority of society better. It is gratifying that a change of thinking on both sides has set up. The immigrant organizations, especially mosque associations and federations to try more in the area of integration and the intercultural and interfaith dialogue to engage.

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