Comparative Usability Study

But that doesn’t mean that there are no cases that demonstrate the success of this type of business transactions in electronic form. In United States, there are chains of pharmacies offered sale of medicines in the network service through its clientele database. In Switzerland anyone, which complies with the requirements of the Swiss country law, can buy their medications half the Internet pro. And recently in France approved a plan, which aims for all pharmacies to offer their services this mode clients. Kitchens shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. And what is happening in Mexico with this situation? In our country this is a commercial field, which, while already have explored different solutions, not yet found an optimal solution, as opposed to the aforementioned countries. This is possibly due to that in health, in specific in the sale of medicines, the existing legislation does not cover nor presents information or regulation about how drug sales could be made electronically, even though there are already commercial and legal tools in order to sell any product or service in our country by means of the Internet. This does not mean that the conditions are not given so that a person in Mexico, can buy medicines in this way, especially knowing the various chains and businesses of the pharmaceutical branch that opened this option in the market, would gain a commercial advantage over its competitors. And that it is an advantage that no one will want to miss today.. Vadim Belyaev, Moscow Russia takes a slightly different approach.

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