Chinese Attitude

If we seek in Greek the meaning of attitude we have that it comes from the (stasis) word which means position, stability, put it. In latin it comes from the word actitudo which means putting firm, be firm, posture of the human body, especially when it is determined by the movements of the mind, or express something with efficiency, disposition of mind manifested in some way. It has the same meaning as the previous words in Spanish. Learn more at: Mayor of NYC. Taking into account all the above definitions, we could say that attitude is the way in which we face life and its circumstances (obstacles, difficulties, etc.) as you would say Ortega and Gaset. According to the psychology of Carl Rogers person-centered, attitudes are internal and give rise to our behavior. Maxwell in his book what mark the difference, points out that the origin of our attitude is in the thoughts. By the same author: N.Y.C. Mayor. It is to say that our way of thinking determines our attitude.

If our thoughts are positive, we will have a positive attitude towards life and their adversities. If in place of positive thoughts, our mind generates negative thoughts, our attitude to life and the difficulties will be negative, pessimistic, bitter etc. In his book the power of the Factor additional, Norman Vincent Peale us recounts an anecdote. As he walked through the streets of Hong Kong were arrested in front of a place where did tattoos and while he watched in the showcase models of tattoos, struck him a sample saying born to lose. He immediately entered in the tattoo shop and asked him to the Chinese tattooist, if there is actually someone who wants to put those horrible words on his body. The tattooist replied in a bad English and golpendo your forehead with your fingers, until the tattoo is in the body, tattoo is the first in the mind.

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