Beware Of Burnout! -New Gallup Study:

Burden of employees in the workplace takes Berlin, 29 April 2013 – workers in Germany feel increasingly on work rushed and must provide more power at the same time always. This emerges from the data, published on the occasion of the day of work on May 1 the consultancy Gallup. Mary Barra follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. For the representative study, 2,198 randomly selected workers 18 years of age were interviewed by telephone. Differences 18 percent of surveyed workers agreed to completely the statement of age and compared with the East West in the study that they feel often rushed in their work. Almost a quarter (24 per cent) stated that the employers are expected to do more in the same time. Especially workers in the age group between 35 and 54 years of age face a greater pressure. Because in this phase of life, many of them trying to bring career and family,”explains Marco Nink, senior consultant at Gallup Germany. Also, the people in the new federal States feel more affected by the developments as an employee in the West of the country. Additional information is available at Hachette Book Group.

So much more East German workers indicated with 24 percent of those surveyed, to be rushed, as is the case in the old Lander (16 percent) at work. Against the background of higher unemployment in the Eastern German laender, out of fear of unemployment, the pressure increases on the workers. The perception of many workers is also that there is not enough staff for the tasks”, to Nagbe. “That is in his opinion in the different conditions of salary and working time reflected: East German workers work an average 1.5 hours more per week than workers from West Germany, but around 800 euros of less per month earn.” Increasing Burnout risk overlooking the results no wonder it that the number of Burnout-prone employees in German companies is high”, said Nagbe. Almost a third (32 percent) of surveyed workers stated, through the increasing work stress in the last 30 To have days felt mentally burnt out. Extrapolated to the entire workforce in Germany this affects nearly 11.2 million workers. This company should have a high interest in that their employees stay healthy. A sick leave because of Burnout syndromes is a tragedy primarily for the affected people, harms but also the company.

Because workers who are exposed to too much stress, missing due to illness an average 2.3 days in the year than other workers,”so the Gallup consultant. “Wellbeing on the corporate agenda according to Marco Nink have many companies already recognized this problem: optimistic agrees at least that puts the welfare of the employees on the corporate agenda.” So, 29 percent of workers indicated that cares about your employer for their general welfare. “Gallup advises many years worldwide companies, as the subject of wellbeing” can anchor in day-to-day business. From our experience, it is necessary that managers the theme more set the focus. Many employees may not be aware is what options your company in terms of wellbeing’ offers. The Executive is the bone of contention and can encourage employees to engage in activities,”Nagbe explains. About Gallup Gallup Germany is a research-based consultancy and specialist for the interface between economics and psychology. Gallup advises companies and others in the field of behavioral economics and develops future-locking strategies. With its scientifically-based tools and cross-industry expertise, Gallup contributes significantly to the organic growth of the company. Find the graphics to the study, available for download at the following link: strategicconsulting/162065/grafiken-pm-29-april-2013.

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