Antonio Balbino

The research is bibliographical of descriptive qualitative character/, in way if to use books and monographs of the library Antonio Balbino de Carvalho Son, situated to the College San Francisco de Barreiras, also had scientific article exploration, this extracted of electronic addresses and specific site on the infantile autismo. The ideas presented here count on the estimated ones of studious that they approach the thematic one that books and scientific articles had been extracted by means of. RESULTS AND DISCURSES etiology of the autismo still is unknown, in elapsing of this study was observed that all the research sources agree that genetic and biological factors influence in the appearance of this syndrome, that reaches in bigger probability the masculine sex. All the authors cite that the appearance of the signals of the infantile autismo occurs until the three years of age. They also agree how much to the qualitative comprometimento of these autistas children, the difficulties of relationship, comprometimento in the language and communication, opposition to the contact, including the parents, lack to answers the emotions, comprometimento in tricks using the imagination, being seen as indispensable symptoms of the infantile autismo and factors I diagnosis for it.

The authors tell that the treatment comes if to adjust with the necessities of the child and the family, searching the interaction of this social environment child in a its and improvement in the relationships. The occupational therapies aim at to provide to an improvement in the quality of life of these children, approaching them the maximum possible of a normal life, acting in the reduction of the aggressiveness, carelessness and hiperatividade. Springhouse, (2006, P. 85), cite lithium, as reducing of some affective symptoms, irritability and compulsividade, already Almeida, Dratcu and Laranjeira (1996) tell that no drug was proven as treatment of autismo upheaval, and cite stimulants as metilfenidato as efficient in the reduction of the carelessness impulsiveneness and hiperatividade in some children.

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