Business Destination

How to to the loyalty guide even though the markets are falling, is the new acquisition later in the course. Is this perhaps because customer care is considered defensiv-, the customer baiting, however, as an offensive strategy? Defensive marketing? Not the point! You think right about wimps, sauna Untensitzer and pelvic edge swimmers. Hunt then Dear customers! It runs poorly, the field will be increased even further – and at the Office if we start again the red pencil. Once customers have endured suffering, today they simply take the hat. And the best people do it now as well. Who lack it internally loyalty can be correlated as internal and external loyalty, the can not trigger them among its customers. Therefore, customer loyalty developed only on the basis of loyalty-focused company and sales culture. Because loyalty is a two-way street.

In customer-related areas should be noted: only the company connected, committed, ambitious and enthusiastic Employees can and want to inspire also customers at the end. Customers are not enthusiastic, but they do not stay. And just the profitable be gone quickly. Within the framework of a commissioned study of the Forum of researchers from Mainz, it went to a trading company, whose Filialen yield results very different. While the interaction between staff motivation, customer loyalty and business success was clear. Branches could retain much better customers with highly motivated employees as such with employees at the lower end of the motivation scale. Where customer loyalty was high, yields the average was two to three times as high as at the branches with low loyalty levels. ERGO: Loyalty is worth.

Manage kunden(treue) does it work? If you want loyal customers must qualify for loyalty, earn so voluntary loyalty. And this is not the thing of a Department, but the commitment of the entire company. While it does a large amount of relationship management – departmental (!) and a little customer management.

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