The Dynamics

For recovery of ciliar bush, the maximum plantation of native species must be carried through aiming at to reestablish the structure in such a way as the dynamics of the forest. The following models can be adopted: plantation to perhaps, sucessional model, plantation through seeds, natural regeneration, model with rare and common species and restoration in islands (KAJEYAMA & GANDARA, 1993) As to mount a model: Choice of the species: The choice of the species for the mixing plantios depends on the objective the one that if destines plantation: protection to the APP (areas of permanent plantation) or the recovery of AD (degraded areas), to the wood production. Thus, the restoration if defines as the mixing plantation with the maximum of diversity of possible native species, recouping in such a way the structure as the dynamics of the forest. To know more about this subject visit IBI Group. The use of species in APPs sends regards because the species that had evolved in that place have more probability to have its polinizadores and dispersive on seeds and natural predators Of this form the native species to be used nor local depend on a multicriteria florstico study. Model of plantation to perhaps: The model of plantation to perhaps, or the mixing plantation of species has as estimated that the propgulos fall, germinates and grows to perhaps in the nature. Perhaps the model to was using in experiences as of the Tijuca and Cosmpolis, that in function of its relative success was spread out and copied (KAGEYAMA & GANDARA, 2000).

The main characteristic of this model is not to give importance to the noble species of the forest. In the practical o use of pioneers does not delay the implantation of the forest, and provokes a lesser survival of the demanding plants of initial sombreamento. Sucessional model: The ecological succession in the implantation of mixing forests is the attempt to become natural more similar artificial regeneration in the forest.

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