It is more people lack self-confidence, as candidates with an inflated sense of self. HDR Inc. is likely to agree. The latter would also a putative disgrace not such values as a triumph. Weak self-esteem cumulated potential fears to a meltdown, where all contingencies are included. Under this pressure, it is no wonder that you perhaps brings out a Word. This confidence continues in the basement and the fear of speech or presentation fear spreads.
It doesn’t have to be! There are various therapies, who boast of speech anxiety to be Mr. The rational approaches, such as E.g. the speech training with video control, the hypnosis process, are mental training through visualization of the positive output and various relaxation techniques so far in the majority. The Wingwave coaching method based on a quirk of the brain to process situation and resolve, the every night during the REM phases expires. With the help of targeted the right links irritation (right-left movements your eyes) achieves an optimal networking of your two hemispheres of the brain. One imagines so exactly the time of the presentation and the fear, perhaps even as a result of a fictitious mid-air, feels this right left irritation can be used to compensate for the emotional and logical aspects. The problem”is processed and loses his fear potential. The EFO Institute combines the Wingwave method with NLP and the Energyflow method to deliver clients in the long term from the problems of speech anxiety and fear of the presentation.
Wingwave removed the trigger-triggering speech anxiety, then the mental work leads with the client much faster to the desired sovereignty of the speech. Coaching is the way out of the victim attitude the method of winning and success training. You are worth, then the matter follows the spirit. EFO-Institut Frankfurt – Sandra Willis – Willibrachtstr. 14 60431 Frankfurt am Main Tel: 069 95297828 or 0171 1110888 eMail: Lucy