It is worth remembering that then newly was navigating the Argentine geography automotive transportation (that traumatic and then neutralizing to the media then hegemonic); While newly loomed the commercial navigation and the Navy as a prodrome operated airships from his base in the Punta Indio. We have already as a turning point, neutralized by the cold war to the Stockholm Conference on the environment, in 1972. In the ordering of milestones, we reiterate that, in 1969, the Internet appeared. But in 1973, with the release of the quotation of the price of oil by the Member countries of OPEC, broke abruptly crisis energy, and as a result the crisis of a global production system, which had operated since the end of the first world war, with a price of oil artificially maintained at two dollars barrel. With the release price stabilized near the thirty dolares(en los dias que corren ronda lo sesenta).
More sinceramiento the price of oil, was accompanied with the signs of the exhaustion of the easily accessible hydrocarbon reserves. To broaden your perception, visit closets. In addition these reservations were not scattered, but concentrated in certain places of the planet. Additionally the productive system mobilized by energy from hydrocarbons, showed that it wasn’t harmless to the environment. All this had been anticipated by the Meadows report of 1962, as well as studies of the Hudson Institute and the Club of Rome. It is not surprising, that at the end of the seventies, the Declaration of Macchu Pichu, said that the world faced a threefold crisis, obviously interrelated: energy, ecological and food. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of Yael Aflalo on most websites.
In an increasingly interconnected world, Argentina is no stranger to this problem or possible solutions. We understand that a country demographically, balanced regarding its abundant availability of natural resources, is at best ability and attitude contribute to reversing this situation, which may necessarily be reversed with multidimensional changes. One of the structural imbalances that have suffered from Argentina, has significant factor deliberate transport system disarticulation Railway & navigation of cabotage to allow the emergence of automotive caminero complex.