Private Flights

The perfect gift for anyone for any occasion or just to the try out yourself? There are many data a year who can play very different roles for that many people. For some, it is an ordinary working day, others celebrate their birthday or anniversary. On these occasions asks you which more often, what exactly they actually that or those give finally a matching gift includes simply, if it is the, the or the revelers to good friends. Even if it is not so to some of the best known, a gift at the latest duty, as soon as an invitation to a party to the respective occasion flutters. But of course, not everyone wants to give always the same. Also presents are not always what the or the revelers just want.

Much more is at present of less factual items, it is lived much more value on personal experiences and activities. The feeling of something Special done to have, no matter whether it is a trip around the world or a parachute jump, one more more more than the possession of a new watch, no matter what brand she may be. Precisely for this reason more and more people are sending experience gifts. There are a variety of gifts that will be offered at the popular party. One is a pilot’s licence or similar flying a Privatflugzeugs – completely without the previous purchase. Such a gift is not only given away, much more, there are also many who – trying it myself flying on its own initiative as a kind of introductory flight, once to try out flying ahead of the conclusion of a training contract.

The above linked page are still more interesting information and tips about the topic. But how does such a trial package or such squandered experience gift actually? Usually the date is selectable, according to free from a list of available dates so should anyone find the time to redeem this voucher. We once arrived at the airfield, it is run once by a flight instructor on the premises around. Depending on the teacher, it is but also as well possible that it continues directly to the aircraft. Here once the safety equipment of the Aviator is explained first. After the safety briefing to then get a short instruction in the operation of the aircraft – what happens when I press the stick or the control Horn to the front? How fly I a curve and what will happen if I press this button later in the air? Of course, all such issues resolved to make a proper experience to actually flying. It goes after the check of the aircraft then in the air. The flight instructor makes the first start usually even themselves, but at a particular level the tax is passed then pros or donee the, which then has full control of that aircraft of course he can Flight instructor but always intervene so that there can be no dangerous situations. Above curves are then flown, certainly a so-called parabolic flight can be performed on request – this the inmates for a short time are weightless. But of course, each flight has (unfortunately) an end – when the fuel running low. Who knows, maybe the one or this flight as well other fallen, he directly with the licence continues to make, while others, however, prefer on the ground remain and still only the plane during the holidays take the first option of course everyone always is open.

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