On the front side of the house located atrium – hall with a top of natural light. Gradually, with the expansion of the space occupied by the house on all sides, the atrium was turned into the courtyard. Later appeared the backyard with columns (Peristilium). Windows of living rooms out to the backyard, and from the facade of the Greek house was closed. Unfortunately, we have little information about how the ancient house looked like inside. It is known that its walls were painted, were drawn from the wooden ceiling beams and thick was painted caissons (deepening on the ceiling of regular geometric shape).
Stone mosaic floor decorated or covered with carpets. The original ancient Greek furniture furniture has not survived. About what it was, we can judge for relief or on the vase painting (black-figure and red-figure pottery). According to these sources, we can judge that the craft of the ancient Greeks made significant development: for the treatment of the material they have already used the planer and lathe. Have been improved and other methods of furniture production. Appeared crimping device, the ancient Greeks learned how to bend wood with hot steam, connect several pieces of wood into one. Using cheaper types of wood, they papered their veneer of expensive wood.
From ancient Greek furniture is worth mentioning the high bed (wedge) with footrest for your feet. Among different types of chairs can be found, and such designs are obviously borrowed from Egypt (with an X-shaped arrangement of pins). Beautiful plasticity differs style chair klismos. This is an easy chair with the back, which is likely to enjoyed by women. Hind legs of the chairs have an S-shape. Furniture such shapes (see fig. "Tombstone") has received a second life for many centuries later, in an era of style 'Empire'. Of the few examples of ancient Greek furniture, come down to us, we mention the tables. They were made of wood and bronze, and they served as lunch. Table legs are often carried out in the form of pads which some animals. For storing different things used capacious trunks and boxes. Cabinet, as a kind of furniture, was not yet known. Such furniture inlaid plates overlaid with gold, silver, ivory. As well as statues, furniture could be painted. For decorating furniture often used the same pattern as for the decoration of buildings, but without any symbolic meaning. A characteristic feature of ancient Greek furniture, like other works of ancient Greek arts, is desire for simplicity and harmony, to finding the best ratio of the product.